Friday, September 12, 2008

Afraid of Blogging?? Uhm, what?

I'm afraid to blog. There, I said it!

I'm scared that no one will read my blog/care about my blog or think I'm a dork. I'm afraid to put my thoughts down for fear that someone will ACTUALLY READ MY THOUGHTS and criticize me for what I wrote. Throw caution to the wind you say...screw the anonymous blogger you say... well...uh...sure, ok!! Let's do it...

Whew, that was major. I feel free, cleansed...almost as if I'm ready to write about the most intimate details of my life ... OK here goes nothing...

So there I was, naked and alone with only my Jimmy Choo black stilettos on...
Alright people that's enough excitement for one day. Admitting you have a problem is the first step. After this BIG step...I'm tired ;)

I promise I'll write more, later.

About Me

My photo
i am currently a SAHM of three beautiful children ages 15, 8 and 5 years. I've been married for eight years to my husband who works ridiculously hard (at being a PGA Pro in the golf industry) to provide a great life for me and our three children. He's tightly wound and I'm a loose cannon. he's a neat freak and i'm....well... let's just say...i'm not ;) it's the ol' ying and yang at work here :) i worked for over 10 years "in the field" as a civil servant/social worker. i worked in a juvenile detention center for 7 years and then did a 3 year stint at children & youth investigating physical & sexual child abuse cases. i have been home for the last five years and i can't say i miss working outside of the home that much. oh, i have my days where i yell out, "god i wish i was out at work and not here with these kids!!" mind you that doesn't happen much but when it does...ooooh lordy...pack yer bags boys, were goin' on a lil' guilt trip!!!! mommy guilt as i call it... is an evil, evil monster that rears it's ugly head and kicks me when I'm down. Damn that guilt.

All My Children

All My Children
The Becker & Passarelli Family